All posts in " batman "

Gotham: Under The Knife | S1-E20 – Review

By Dave Defino / 7 years ago

Under The Knife is the continuation of last weeks episode and is likely a story arc that will continue through the next two episodes to bring us to the end of the season. Gordon has decided to go after the Ogre with everything he has. Gordon tries to convince Dr. Thompkins to leave town until […]


Gotham – Arkham – S1-E4

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

In the fourth episode of the first season of Gotham, we get more backstory for the future Batman universe. Apparently, there are two rival proposals for what to do with the old Arkham section of Gotham (including what to do with the abandoned asylum). One plan is backed by mob boss Falcone, and the other […]