All posts in " Royals "

Grimm Finale Recap

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

Grimm’s finale epsisode entitled, “Cry Havoc” lives up to its name. It was an emotional ride as chaos was unleashed. It also showed surprise come backs, death and a foresight of what’s to come in the next season. The episode also provided close on the relationship of Nick and Juliette. Nick was sent into a […]


Grimm Iron Hans Recap

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

A gloomy day at a farm at some place, as set of campers is getting their equipment together for a trip. A woman comes by to gather each of their gadgets, as a father and son team assists the campers pack up the a van. Once packed, they head out, leaving the woman, Maggie, alone […]


Grimm Episode 20 Spoilers

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

There are only a few episode lefts until the end of the foruth season of Grimm. It has finally building up some action for its final episode which will air on the 15h of May. So Fans are eager to find out what will happen next. More and more questions still need answering. What will […]