All posts in " Elizabeth Rodriguez "

Grimm Season 4 Episode 1: Thanks For The Memories

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

Let’s do some refreshment before reviewing the newest episode: Nick lost his powers to detect Wesen. Captain Renard  was fighting for his life after being shot by the rogue Hundjäger, Steward. There was crying in the chapel at Monroe and Rosalie’s wedding as Nick realized Adalind had tricked him into bed.  Juliette was – obviously […]


Elizabeth Rodriguez To Star In Grimm

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

Elizabeth Rodriguez, the actress who plays Aleida Diaz, Daya’s mother from the Netflix show Orange Is The New Black, will have multiple appearances the season four of the hit show Grimm. She has been casted as Special Agent Chavez, one of the FBI agents who are investigating Weston’s murder who might have a special interest […]