All posts in " Episode 20 "

Grimm’s You Don’t Know Jack Recap

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

Hank, Wu, Monroe and Nick go to what remains of the trailer that Juliette had burned down and picked up what they can. They took what they could all back to the basement of the Spice Shop of Monroe and Rosalee. They are soon called to the location of a gruesome slaughter of a prostitute […]


Grimm Episode 20 Spoilers

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

There are only a few episode lefts until the end of the foruth season of Grimm. It has finally building up some action for its final episode which will air on the 15h of May. So Fans are eager to find out what will happen next. More and more questions still need answering. What will […]