All posts in " Juliette "

Will Nick and Juliette Break Up On The Return of Grimm?

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

Fans have been in a long wait for the return of Grimm season 4 which is still on hiatus. It is scheduled to return on March 20. The next episode is entitled Bad Luck. The official rundown of Episode 14 (Bad Luck) reads as follows: “Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russel Hornsby) investigate a murder […]


A Darker Grimm For Season Four

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

A lot of surprises are set to happen on the upcoming new episodes of Grimm. There have also been talks about a major death that could possibly take place this season. NBC’s Grimm is still on its break but fans need not to wait too long as it is about to return to NBC this […]


A Closer Look Into Grimm’s Nick Burkhardt’s Character

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

Nicholas “Nick” Burkhardt, Grimm’s main character was born on June 18, 1982, used to be a Grimm and police detective for the Portland Department. He was not raised with any information about his Grimm bloodline or the Wesen that is around him. He managed to learned about all of this from his experiences since 2011. […]

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