All posts in " actress "

AHS Actress Sarah Paulson Talks her After Awards Eating Habits

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

I bet you also wonder how stars prep for the Emmys. There’s so much more pre ceremony action than what actually happens on stage. Celebrities post pre Emmy pictures on social networking sites and it’s really entertaining and intriguing to know the hustle and bustle before the curtains roll up. The 39-year-old Best Actress Emmy […]


Kathy Bates Calls Herself “An Old Lion”

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

Beverly Hills, California. Sleepy Hollow’s Kathy Bates says she also plays a role in the big-screen comedy “Tammy.”  Bates plays Lenore, a triumphant entrepreneur who metaphorically slaps sense into the film’s lovable loser of a ostensible character (Melissa McCarthy). On talking about her unusual role in the movie, as she usually stars on drama movies, […]