All posts in " Fox Sleepy hollow "

Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Episode 8: Heartless

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

Heartless opened with Crane and Katrina hidden in their cabin. Crane was talking intricately on the nature of love and courtship more like “The Bachelor” 21st-century ideal of romance. Katrina on the other hand wants to know if there’s more television of reality, but Lt. Mills is concerned more with Parrish. She’s been playing NSA […]


Fate, Hope and Bravery Ram in Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Promo

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

Sleepy Hollow by Fox released a new promo for the upcoming Season 2. It is setting the stage for the show’s rousing return in just a few weeks. The promotion focused on the show’s innermost mythological figure, the headless horseman. This was released to media unfortunately with the same day  the journalist being beheaded in […]