All posts in " Gone Girl "

Neil Patrick Harris Rejects Role in American Horror Story

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

If you have ever been invited to cast in a high-rating series, it sure would be difficult to turn it down. As our curiosity arises, we got Neil Patrick Harris spill the reason why he ditched his role in Fx’s American Horror Story. Neil Patrick Harris the multi talented actor shared about many things with […]


Neil Patrick Harris To Appear in American Horror Story

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

Actor Neil Patrick Harris had of late sent out a letter stating his desire to participate in an episode of the FX series American Horror Story: Freak Show to its co-creator, Ryan Murphy. Murphy made his wish come true when he tweeted back to the actor that he could be on the show. Upon receiving this news, […]