All posts in " Season Three "

Mark Goffman Leaves Sleepy Hollow

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

Sleepy Hollow, while waiting for FOX’s announcement whether it will be renewed for another season, is going though big changes right now. If it were to be renewed for a third season, it will be ran by a new person in change since Mark Goffman has recently stepped down as the showrunner for Sleepy Hollow after […]


Should There Be A Third Season For Sleepy Hollow?

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

After an amazingly triumphant first season, season two of Sleepy Hollow appeared to be a everlasting trek towards the end of days. The writing, having  turned out to be more and more prescribed and tired, left our heroes without much to advance their stories, relying as an alternative on the villain of the week to […]