All posts in " Sergeant Wu "

Grimm’s Coolest Episode Yet, Mommy Dearest

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

SPOILERS AHEAD We can’t still move on from Grimm’s coolest and scariest offering yet, Mommy Dearest. The episode was unique, entertaining, and very creepy. It was also the episode that finally revealed Sergeant Wu’s name. Drew, Drew Wu! Whoo! And more than that, Drew finally saw something that can send him over the edge. What […]


Reggie Lee on Grimm

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

Reggie Lee has been floating around the world of entertainment for quite some time now. He kind of gets type cast a lot as a threatening Yakuza or part of a Chinese triad. He also plays a lot of roles where he’s an asshole that wears a suit and works for the government. For Grimm, […]