All posts in " Wesen "

Grimm Season 5 Updates

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

The fourth season of Grimm had just ended and fans and viewers of the show have witness the demise of Juliette. Speculations of her return from dead have circulated but none of these have been confirmed by the creators of the show. On the episode finale of the fourth season of Grimm, Nick Burkhardt (played […]


Grimm Season 5 New Villains

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

Season four of Grimm has just recently ended. Fans were given an emotional rollercoaster ride with all the events that have transpired. Fans have also been left with so many questions to ponder on while waiting for the next season of Grimm. Viewers of Grimm were already foretold of Juliette’s (Bitsie Tulloch) probable demise earlier […]


Grimm Iron Hans Recap

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

A gloomy day at a farm at some place, as set of campers is getting their equipment together for a trip. A woman comes by to gather each of their gadgets, as a father and son team assists the campers pack up the a van. Once packed, they head out, leaving the woman, Maggie, alone […]


Grimm Heartbreaker Recap

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

The storyline of Grimm’s Heartbreaker episode evolved on its title figuratively and literally. A fine looking girl struggles with loneliness because any person who would find her beautiful would fatally perish through heart failure. This is caused by the poison emission from the skin of this girl who is a froh like Wesen known as […]


Grimm Double Date Recap

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

The world of Grimm has grown more and more complex ever since the series debuted, but it is also developed into clear that “the world of Grimm” is not just solitary world, but three distinguishing ones, contemporaneous, for better or for worse. And in spite of Nick’s status as a Grimm, he is not dreadfully […]


Giuntoli Talks Of Major Cliffhangers Ahead On Grimm

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

NBC’s Grimm has been on a month long break but has just returned to TV with its latest episode, “Bad Luck,” which is mainly focused on a case where a man’s foot has been chopped off. This disconcerting case will engage on the superstition of the lucky rabbit’s foot, with Rosalee and Monroe going undercover […]


Grimm’s Bad Luck Recap

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

After its month long break, Grimm has finally returned with a fresh new episode entitled Bad Luck last Friday. The episode was mainly about Nick, Hank and Sgt. Wu (Reggie Lee) chasing down clues linked to an evil Wesen, Vulpesmyrca, who makes good business chopping the feet off rabbit like Wesen, Willahara and then selling […]


Grimm Premiere Recap: Monroe’s Life Hangs in the Balance

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

Monroe kidnapped by the masked psychopaths, while Juliette tries to hide the fact that she is now a Hexenbiest, and Wu force directly into the Wesen world. Welcome to the crew, Wu. Wu probably has a million and one questions, but the fans will have to wait for now. They have been throwing around the […]


Reggie Lee’s Wu Resists with the Truth about Wesen

By Gian Laquindanum / 9 years ago

Reggie Lee’s character Sgt. Wu, 2014 was a tough year. Drew Wu currently understands the supernatural nature of Grimm’s Portland, Ore. A face-to-face encounter with a childhood monster called Aswang prompted him to commit himself to a psychological state clinic, and though his friends and fellow law enforcement officers, Dets. Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli) and […]


Grimm Season 4 Episode 4 Review: Dyin’ On a Prayer

By Gian Laquindanum / 10 years ago

TV has been complex. From a regular drama to vampires, magic, history creepy twists, gossips and lies, TV audiences are served all classy to bizarre menus. And yet we all wanted the shows to meet our fantasies.   When a show takes a wrong turn, patience requires us to stick around and wait for it to […]

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