The Current and Future Relationship Status of Ichabbie
Sleepy Hollow gets bigger and badder with its all new Season 02 and almost everything is changing in town. The last season ended with the major characters in distress, may it be getting trapped somewhere, getting locked up in prison, flipping over in a car or having to gallop away with the horseman of death. The only man standing was the horseman of war, and not surprisingly war is going to hit Sleepy Hollow hard this season. But one thing that hasn’t changed are the speculations and the hopes of some of the viewers to have Ichabod and Abbie as a pair on the show. However, on the other hand, there are some of the fans who would rather see anything else on the show than have the witnesses go gaga over each other. Let’s see what the show’s producers and cast have to say about this.
Executive Producer, Mark Goffman says, “There’s no question their relationship is at the core of everything we do. There are going to be some real trust issues” in Season 2. We’re going to drop a few bombs this season … that none of them could have possibly been prepared for.”
Len Wiseman mentions about the relationship, “It continues to evolve. … It’s the heart of the show,” and he adds, “Other people come in to kind of pull them away.” In order to pull them away, there has been a new character of Nick Hawley, dropping on the show, as if Katrina alone wasn’t enough. Roberto Orci says about Hawley, “He’s been around the world uncovering artifacts, and he’s not a particularly superstitious person. He does it for the money—more of a Han Solo, I guess, than an Indiana Jones. He’s not aware that these things may be real or have real powers. It’s only when he encounters Abbie and Crane that he starts to understand wow, these things that I’ve been selling for money actually may be bullets that can be fired one way or another in terms of good and evil and the end of the world. And so he becomes sort of an interest for Abbie, and potentially an irritant for Crane.”
Roberto Orci said, “There’s nothing like another good-looking guy arriving in the mix to suddenly make people realize how they really feel about each other. Katrina, by the way—her goal, obviously, is to do all she can not only to escape the clutches of the Headless Horseman, but also to see if she can reunite her family. That is Crane’s goal as well. Despite Henry Parrish’s anger, maybe there’s a way to reach their son. Abbie is not a homewrecker. I think as long as Crane and Katrina are seeking to keep their family together, and as long as they’re in love—barring her coming under some evil spell—I think she would try to respect that relationship. Any great romance hopefully is preceded by a wonderful friendship, and we want to make sure we explore every element of that. But again, the fun part about having a plan is you can deviate from it, or you can be surprised by something that comes about naturally.”
Nicole Beharie completely admires the nature of the relationship they share currently, “I really think it’s interesting and kind of fun … that she has a relationship with a man but it’s not romantic. She’s not necessarily defined by some sexual or amorous desires,” says Beharie. She continues, “I love that they’re so different. Crane has become a family member in a way. He’s the closest person she’s had in her life because she’s been fostered off and everyone’s died. The relationship mirrors our own relationship in that we spend a lot of time together and we’ve gotten to know each other and there’s a shorthand.”
Tom Mison, on the other hand, can’t help but crack a few jokes. “Running around in the woods in the middle of the night chasing after monsters is profoundly erotic, and so sometimes I have to throw a saucy look. Hashtag Ichabbie,” says Mison.
John Noble thinks, “These two, right from the beginning, it was there — this magical thing,” he says. “It seemed like a very natural and truthful relationship, which I think the audience picked up on as well.”
EP Alex Kurtzman says, “I think Abbie and Crane need each other very desperately. As a man out of time obviously he needs her for guidance but she’s been so alone her whole life [and she needs him too].”