How American Horror Story Changed Things For Evan Peters
The fourth season of American Horror Story is called Freak Show and among many other particularly exceptional characters, Even Peters, also a former AHS star, gets the privilege of playing Jimmy, a young boy with lobster shaped palms. While getting to be a part of this terrific show created by Ryan Murphy is an achievement in itself, Peters takes away more than just the fame from the show. In an interview with BuzzFeed, Peters mentioned, “If I walk away from this experience taking anything, it’s that these people are people and you can’t look at them any other way. They’re so nice and so lovely to be around that it makes me sort of disgusted with the way I was before… not that I was a horrible person, but you’re intimidated or insecure around them or scared or don’t know how to talk to them. This opens your eyes and allows you to see them as people, just like you, who have incredible circumstances … It also shows you how weak you are, like you’re worried about your problems and these people overcome so much stuff daily. It’s been a really eye-opening experience, and I’m thankful for the opportunity.”
The show means more than just television drama to almost all the characters and they cherish their co-stars. The plot of this season is much more sensitive than any of the other ones. Ryan Murphy talks about Freak show and mentions, “Historically, the discrimination and hatred and murder and abuse and rape that was afflicted upon them because they were different — because they were born that way — is very painful and astounding. We’ve been researching that and are putting that into the show. I think anybody who watches this season who has felt ostracized or looked at as a freak or called one for a number of reasons will relate to them. And that’s the whole point of telling their stories. We’re getting to know them for their heart and their character — not their physicality.”
The cast and crew admire and adore the work of one another and it is their in-group effort which takes the show to the height it has successfully reached today. For Evan Peters, the friendship and life lessons are not all he has to be thankful for. It might be his modesty, but Peters credits AHS for him bagging the role of Quicksilver on X-Men Days of Future Past. Evan Peters states, “Bryan Singer [who directed X-Men: Days of Future Past] saw the show and wanted to put me in the movie as Quicksilver. Just having directors and people I want to work with see the show and want to work with me is something that has been amazing, and nothing I ever thought would happen.”