Ryan Murphy is an unstoppable guy. He was first known as a writer and producer of Nip/Tuck and followed it with the worldwide hit Glee. American Horror Story was added to his list of hit shows and still, with all of these accomplishments, there is no sign of Mr. Murphy slowing down.
Week after week he’s heading Glee, preparing for the next two seasons of AHS, and working a show for HBO with Julia Roberts and Mark Ruffallo called The Normal heart.
Anyway, here are some words from the amazing Ryan Murphy about his shows, a bit about his personal life, and what he thinks of Twitter.
About American Horror Story: Coven’s success:
“You never know why. It could be because the show revolves around all amazing actresses and infectious female energy. I think the mixture of my witch’s stew, as I like to say, the glamour, comedy, darkness and diversity made a perfect recipe for audiences. When we shot the finale, it was emotional to say goodbye to this cast and this chapter of the series. I think that’s why I like to use the same actors in new seasons. What worked for us in “Coven” this year is like ’70s horror cinema, I don’t just rely on plot but also make sure character is a big part of the narrative.”
From being a former reporter to a Hollywood bigshot:
“I still pinch myself because, like you said, it’s not easy to make the transition. Originally, I wanted to go into the movie business; that was always my dream as a kid. But I couldn’t afford film school, so I moved out to Los Angeles to become an entertainment journalist. That was my Plan B. I said, “Well, I’ll do this for now but, maybe one day, when I’m in a better financial position, I’ll pursue my dream.” At a certain point, I began writing scripts and luckily it went from there and here I am.”
AHS’ inspiration:
“The daytime soap opera “Dark Shadows.” I was obsessed with it as a child. What I really wanted to do was my version of it, where there are creatures, soapy drama, and sex. Believe it or not, I owe my career to my grandmother, who used to make me watch “Dark Shadows” as punishment! [Laughs] And I was three!”
About how successful Glee is and if he is still surprised his show took off that well”
“Yes! Totally. I thought the show was so weird. I figured that it’s either going to work or not. I also got lucky with the casting of the show, too, which I think helped. When you have a hit, it’s a marriage of every element coming together. You can only hope for the best. I’m still surprised — and thrilled — that it worked.”
And finally, Twitter, a creative tool or a hindrance?
“Both. I’ve learned a long time ago that people go insane on Twitter, so I stay off it, especially during my seasons.”