Bates Motel Creators And Stars Discuss Season 03 Details At Comic Con

By: Kh Ishrar

Bates Motel Season 03 Plans

hjhvAfter the great finale of the second season of Bates Motel, there have been a few revelations, a number of predictions and a lot of anticipation about the upcoming third season. At this comic con, the stars and the producers give out some thoughts on what the third season shall hold for us. Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, we are putting it together here with you.

We have seen some quite crazy behavior Norman reflected by Norman so far but it doesn’t go nearly as far as it eventually is supposed to go. We are still waiting for Norman to go Psycho enough to kill Norma and while explaining how far we are from that incident, Freddie Highmore, playing Norman Bates, says, “It’s going to come at some point, isn’t it? I can see Norman sitting down in her room in front of the mirror and thinking ‘Oh, I’m going to put on her clothes and see what they look like. Whether that’s this year or next year or the year after, who knows? I don’t know with any certainty at all. But, yeah, there’s certainly going to be the merging of the two parts of Norman’s life and of his personality… The furthest [he’s gone] was probably in the motel with Caleb when he starts speaking as her. And that’s when she’s kind of taken over his personality. I mean, maybe if there had been a dress around—who knows?”

bhjbThe cast discussed the onscreen kiss between Norman (Freddie Highmore) and Norma (Vera Farmiga) on the season finale. It did come to us as a shock and as we have learned earlier, the kiss was the idea of Freddie Highmore himself. He says, “I just thought Norman would like a kiss. It would tempt him off the edge of suicide, that last thing—and it needed to be at least three seconds.”

“Apparently, there was no kiss, until Freddie Highmore read it,” says Farmiga, “For Norma, she’s this broken-down lioness, and she’s taking care of this lame cub, and it’s a life-or-death scenario—she’s going to give him a few licks,” added the actress.

gjhgkhgCarlton Cuse, the show’s executive producer, explains some plans for the third season by saying, “Season two, we kind of wanted to see this story of Icaraus flying close to the sun, and then we wanted to sort of see Norma’s wings melt a little bit. Season three is going to pick up not long after season two ends. We’re going to sort of see the consequences of what happened: basically that we kind of killed everybody, except for our series regulars on the show. So that leaves kind of a big void in White Pine Bay, and it’ll be very interesting to see what happens. And there’s this kind of question of in a town where there’s sort of some dubious morality, if you kill all the bad people, does it mean other bad people are going to show up, or can this town exist without bad people?”

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