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Dave Defino


Sleepy Hollow – One Life | S3-E9

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

Before we get into the review for the Sleepy Hollow return from mid season hiatus show, let’s discuss the problems a show like Sleepy Hollow has with a cliffhanger and a mid season hiatus. As you can tell, I am writing this almost a month after Sleepy Hollow returned to the air. Why so long? […]


The Politics of American Horror Story: Hotel

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

There was a lot of talk when American Horror Story: Hotel first aired about it being the raunchiest season of AHS to date. Many people immediately attacked the show as a sign of the rampant debauchery in Hollywood. An attack on American values, or even a sign of the end times. I’ll admit, I had […]


The X-Files – My Struggle II | Episode 6

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

The 6 episode mini series / revival / season 10 run of The X-Files has ended. It has had some high points, and it has had some low points. If you are a fan of The X-Files, then it was worth watching. Even if you are just a fan of supernatural television, it was worth […]


Gotham: Harvey Dent | S1 – E9

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

Gotham has been hit or miss all season. Some episodes are brilliant, and some are sub par. The problem seems to be trying to walk the line between an episodic police procedural, a continuous story, and a Batman backstory. Trying to do all three is usually the problem, especially with all the characters involved. Now […]


The X-Files: Babylon | Episode 5

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

So far, this 6 episode mini series revival of The X-Files has been pretty hit or miss. The first episode wasn’t that great. The second episode was good. The third episode was great, and the fourth episode was ok. I think Babylon, the fifth episode, would fall into the lower end of “ok”. Babylon was […]


The X-Files: Home Again | Episode 4

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

Well, at least the last two episodes of The X-Files revival were good. Don’t get me wrong, the “monster of the week” was pretty cool in this episode, and it had some creepy moments, but half the episode was dedicated to a storyline about Scully that you probably would have had to have recently watched […]


Gotham: The mask | S1-E8

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

In the world of Gotham, how do you follow up an episode that is as good as Penguin’s Umbrella? With a horrible episode like The Mask. I have often said that the problem with shows like this is that they spend to much time on their subplots. This episode does exactly that. The “monster of […]


The X-Files: Mulder and Scully meet the Were Monster | Episode 3

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

The original run of Te X-Files always skirted the absurd. This is something that was never lost on the series creators. (If you fail to remember the humor of the original run of The X-Files, check out this clip below from the season 7 episode “Hollywood A.D.”) Mulder and Scully meet the Were Monster opens […]


Gotham – Penguins Umbrella | S1-E7

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

I have a problem with modern televisions need to make every series a concurrent storyline. I miss the days when I could miss an episode of a show, and still know what is going on for the rest of the season. I gave up on many modern TV series because I missed an episode and […]


The X-Files – Founders Mutation | Episode 2

By Dave Defino / 8 years ago

For some unexplained reason (or maybe I just missed it), Mulder and Scully are now full fledged FBI agents again (I wonder if Scully is using vacation time at her Dr job?). Without discussing the fate of Sveta or O’Malley from last episode, this episode goes straight into a new case. A scientist and a […]

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